In the picturesque Tuscan countryside, amidst the hills surrounding Florence, lies the Artimino Estate, a charming place steeped in history and surrounded by lush vineyards. This Masterclass speaks of Carmignano, a winemaking treasure of Tuscany, a region renowned for its rich winemaking tradition. With a history that dates back centuries, this wine continues to represent the excellence of Italian wine production. Its combination of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes, along with its aromatic complexity and robust structure, make it a wine appreciated by connoisseurs worldwide. If you have the opportunity to taste a Carmignano, you will find yourself immersed in a long and flavorful story that celebrates the passion and dedication of Tuscan winemakers.
The Carmignano of Tenute di Artimino: “dai Medici al Campione Giuseppe Olmo”
11:00 - 12:00